MetroABQ Blog

ABQ Museum's Open Air Sculpture Garden: The Head is not included...

I love the ABQ Museum Sculpture Garden's Big Head, that rests prominently in front of the museum's main entrance. You can't miss the massive bald head, with it's attached-lobe ears, pointy chin & sporting a concerned look under furrowed brows. With the Explora Museum nearby & across from the 8+ acre Tiguex Park, the sculpture garden helps create a great greenspace corridor in that part of Old Town. The sculptures make you want to linger there longer. 

Above is Variatin Neuv Mxico, another sculpture that demands to be seen in a large amount of space. It was created over 30 years ago & funded by the city of ABQ & the 1% For The Arts fund. It sits among more than a dozen other sculptures in the garden, sharing a scene with Skater in the Wind, the stainless steel image in the foreground, just below. A few other sculptures can be seen below. These public art pieces may encourage a destination trip to the ABQ Museum Sculpture Garden.



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