MetroABQ Blog

One Percent for the Arts: Nob Hill Art Installation

Nob Hill just got a public art installation across from Monte Vista Elementary School & Campus Blvd (home of the Fractal Foundation). Upon first glance, to me the sculpture resembles a large snail uncoiling, it's head poking around outside it's lair. 

Entitled "Nob Hill Centennial," the sculpture was created by artist John Davis, & it's really a tribute to the MetroABQ's first East Mesa suburb, Nob Hill. Initially I imagined the piece was a elementary school children's art project & the winner saw it realized in real-life 3-D form. If seen from the right angles, Slimy the Snail is really a quixotic number 100, for the number of years the area has been platted. There's even a house on the top, to remind us that Nob Hill has a lot of houses, or something like that...I don't love the obviousness of the piece.

However, Slimy has grown on me. He is a colorful scene unto himself, drawing the eye as soon as he enters the view. Again, he's more interesting the more he is seen from different angles, with different backgrounds & differing weather conditions.

Above Slimy can be seen with the Monte Vista Elementary School in the background, a fitting backdrop for a gigantic snail, or the number 100...



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