MetroABQ Blog

MetroABQ Artscrawl: Publicly Accessible Art Across the City

Wherever you travel in the city, great public art is never far away. With a free afternoon, it's easy to create an interesting sculpture tour, with the MetroABQ as your outdoor gallery.

"Phoenix Rising," above, seemed to appear suddenly & recently along Menaul Blvd & now I always look for it when passing by. Installed in 2020 when many of us might have missed it, the steel sculpture sits facing the boulevard, on the edge of city Firehouse #9 property...Artists Don Kennell & Lisa Adler created the big bird as part of the City of Albuquerque Public Art program. Another angle...

Then happening by 2nd St on Central Ave, you pass "Lobo Loco", below, which stands along Route 66 staring southward. Obviously it's the work of the same artist duo above, DKLA Design. Their website is cool & it looks like they have fun.Great Lobo Loco scenes are on their site.

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